  • One in three cite air pollution as one of their biggest worries when visiting UK cities
  • Less than half (47%) of Britons are aware of the climate benefits of smart technology

Local authorities must better communicate the benefits of smart technology’s role in combatting climate change, according to new research.

As climate change and its subsequent natural disasters dominate the global news headlines, research by technology expert, Milestone Systems, found that 80% of Britons want their local authority to take more effective action against climate change, as 230 councils have declared a climate emergency in their regions.

Almost one in three (29%) members of the public cite air pollution as a key concern when visiting their local city – significantly more than the 17% who are concerned about terrorism. This is likely related to lower visibility and awareness about what is being done to combat climate issues such as air pollution.

Fewer than half (47%) of Britons are aware that enhanced use of data and technology can help to combat climate change. Younger respondents’ awareness is significantly higher than the oldest members of society (52% of 18-24-year-olds vs 31% of over 65s), signalling that greater communication of the benefits of smart tech on tackling climate problems to older people is especially needed.

Amongst the 20% of people who are against their local authority taking more effective action against climate change, more than a third (34%) believe it would result in higher taxes, while 24% don’t believe climate change is an issue. Furthermore, almost a quarter (23%) believe smart technology would negatively impact the daily life of citizens, showing the sector has a reputational issue it must overcome.

Malou Toft, EMEA VP at Milestone Systems, said: “There is clearly the need for greater education around smart city technology and its potential capabilities. Sustainability and tackling climate change are key priorities for many cities currently, so there would likely be a lot of support for technology that could help to make a real difference.

“Not only would the wider implementation of smart technology help to cut down greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality, but it is likely to have great support from the general public when communicated effectively.”

Just a fifth (21%) of people feel that their local authority has kept them up to date with new smart city developments. While 61% of people said that they do not feel informed but would like to hear more about new developments, only 18% of people said that they are not interested, indicating a great appetite for more frequent, or more detailed communications.

For more information about Milestone Systems, and its report into the perception of smart cities, visit the website, https://pardot.milestonesys.com/milestone-smart-cities-ebook