Marketing 2.0 is the new mantra for many people in the business world, and as they try to increase their profits and market share, they are turning to more effective means of advertising. The old ways of marketing your business were not always effective, but there have been quite a few changes recently that have made things much easier for many people. This has left many people confused about how to proceed, and many businesses are trying to figure it all out on their own. But what are the basic differences between marketing 1.0 and marketing 2.0?
When you are first starting out in marketing 2.0, you will want to create a marketing plan that targets not only the current goals but also what you wish to accomplish in the future. The initial goals are what create your long-term plan, and this should always include the long-term plans of the company as well. For example, if you are a start up company, you might wish to expand your target market in the near future, and that requires a marketing plan that targets your existing customers. If you are going to be hiring additional staff, then this should be included in your long-term plan, and you should think about the products or services that you intend to offer them in the future. Your marketing plan may even need to be changed depending on what your actual goals are at any given time.
You will also find that the marketing plans and techniques used by different companies have to change over the years, as the market changes. If you are marketing a cosmetics company, then you know that the market for cosmetics has diversified greatly in recent years. While you may have originally focused on the health of your customers, you may have later decided that the best way to reach your customers is to establish strong public relations strategies, which would involve everything from print ads to PR campaigns. As your company grows, so should the scope of your marketing 2.0 strategy, and the options that are available to you.
Green 2. E-marketing and modern marketing concepts go hand in hand when it comes to managing your marketing efforts. Green marketing refers to the idea of creating an eco-friendly atmosphere in which your marketing efforts are undertaken. In the past, environmental issues were often overlooked by companies as they were focused on their profit margins. Today, this is not the case. You need to include some kind of environmental policy in your overall marketing plan if you want your efforts to be successful.
If you are marketing to a high school student, then you probably do not need to spend a great deal of time on your overall marketing strategy, because most high school students do not typically have high-level planning skills. However, you still need to include some kind of policy in your overall strategy, such as your website’s terms of service, what you will do to stop the third degree option if the first two attempts at promotion do not work, or what kind of response you are expecting to get from the target market. Your website, for example, may offer a free website design template, but it will not be effective unless the students who visit your site take something home with them. For this kind of marketing, you would most likely require some sort of consumer research.
Green marketing research can help you determine what kind of marketing you should use and how you should go about using it. You can employ several strategies, including cold calling, referrals from other companies, online surveys, and evaluating what you learn about from other sources. Green marketing research also lets you know what kind of response you are getting from your target market. With this knowledge, you can use your resources (such as your website) in a more efficient manner, make better business decisions, and build stronger ties with others in your industry.