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How can blockchain influence businesses supply chains?

How can blockchain influence businesses supply chains?

By Sayan Debroy, supplier risk intelligence solution manager at The Smart Cube The p..

Drama teacher and professional storyteller calls on nurseries and care homes to re-engage in intergenerational bonding

Drama teacher and professional storyteller calls on nurseries and care homes to re-engage in intergenerational bonding

-Practice put on hold due to the pandemic- -Mutually beneficial for nursery children..

Private equity investment in CEE set for strong growth

Private equity investment in CEE set for strong growth

15 November 2022, Warsaw – Private equity in Central and Eastern Europe (“CEE”) is p..

G20 Summit: What you need to know now

G20 Summit: What you need to know now

NUSA DUA, Indonesia (Reuters) – Leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) nations deplo..

The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on financial vulnerability

The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on financial vulnerability

By Tim Farmer, Clinical Director at Comentis When considering the impact of the risi..

AA Cars streamlines its insurance proposition across 4,000 dealerships with Tempcover partnership

AA Cars streamlines its insurance proposition across 4,000 dealerships with Tempcover partnership

  (14 November, 2022) Fleet, UK: AA Cars has strengthened its value proposition..

The Five Pillars of success on Amazon for Startups

The Five Pillars of success on Amazon for Startups

To be successful, start-ups need sales; sales equals cash flow, brand awareness and ..

Starling Bank launches new partnership with Settld to support end of life admin for bereaved individuals

Starling Bank launches new partnership with Settld to support end of life admin for bereaved individuals

Starling tie-up with award-winning bereavement service Settld Mr, Mrs and Ms accoun..



By Nick Harding, co-founder & CEO of Fluro Nick Harding, co-founder ..

Why retailers must reward loyalty to stay profitable

Why retailers must reward loyalty to stay profitable

  Survey of 1500 shoppers reveals why ‘loyalty’ is going to be the differentiator fo..