A trade name, business name, or business domain name is an unregistered nickname, trade name or corporate name typically used by businesses that don’t operate under their own legally established business name. The word for this kind of alternative name is an “inventive” name. Registering such a domain with an applicable government agency is typically required. Depending on the nature of your business and what you are trying to achieve, registration may be straightforward and relatively inexpensive, while other cases may require a legal counsel.
Many businesses try to get creative by registering silly business names that reflect their theme or concept. However, registering such names as well as names with silly connotations has a detrimental effect on the business’s ability to register and maintain trademark rights. The result of registering a too-creative name turns into a domain name that may have difficulty being distinguishable from the hundreds of similar websites. If your aim is to brand yourself or your company, an inventive name will help you establish your credibility in the online world. A domain name generator can help you generate interesting names for your business.
Trademark registration is important because it ensures the business names registered are protected from being hijacked by other people and businesses. Domain name registration ensures the business names are protected against anyone who might want to use them to register another name which could lead to a legal case against you. A good trademark attorney will have no problem advising you on the importance of registering the names as trademark protection is essential.
If you’re a small business owner looking for business names for your company, you’ll be pleased to know there are business name generators out there to help you. These programs are designed to provide keyword-specific products and domain suggestions. The result is an extensive list of possible business names, product names and domain suggestions. You simply select the domain you think is best suited to your company’s brand and then enter the relevant keywords. The program will provide a list of potential names and you can compare and contrast each one.
Some programs are more complex than others. A good two words domain name generator uses both the keyword and two words to generate possible business names for your business. A simple two word domain name generator only uses one word for the sake of simplicity but it doesn’t generate as many options as a more complex program.
Business names can be confusing. Trying to pick the perfect one that reflects your company’s image, mission, ethos or brand name may not be as straightforward as you first think. Take your time and don’t rush. Business name generators and naming experts can be an invaluable tool in helping you choose the ideal names for your business. It may sound complicated but with the help of modern technology, it’s not.