
A Republic is a constitutional form of government where the executive branch is considered the public concern, not the property or wealth of the ruling elite. The main positions of authority in a Republic are achieved, through democracy or a mixture of democracy and aristocracy, or, unalterably, through aristocracy alone. A constitutional Republic is different from a non-constitutional one in that it is representative of the citizenry as a whole and not just a single political party. The members are bound together by common interests, values and beliefs, and they are expected to serve their common good.

As the representatives of the people, they are responsible for determining the nature of the representative form of government they are governed by. In other words, the people are sovereign in the United States, because they have chosen a Constitution which sets forth a number of fundamental principles, known as “checks and balances,” which are meant to protect the rights of individual citizens. A democratic system is an example of a representative form of government, while an aristocratic government is an example of an aristocratic form of government.

A democratic republic, which is also called a mixed system, consists of several constituent groups which elect representatives and indirectly control the government. They all have similar interests, values and beliefs, and share an obligation to the general welfare. The elected representatives are then expected to perform an important role in the government, where they make decisions which are then made by the government officials who are appointed by them, in accordance with the decisions they make. As a result, majority rule is exercised in such a system. This means that there is no absolute power held by the majority and the minority does not enjoy equal rights.

Because of this, there is no one person’s representative who can be forced to do the will of another person’s majority. In a representative system, the only real power lies in the hands of the people themselves, and that is why majority rule is always avoided.

An aristocratic system is an absolute rule in which the will of the individual or group is supreme. The person in power does not answer to the people but is accountable to them. It is generally believed that power is unassailable; however, in some countries the will of a few overpowers that of larger numbers.

In a constitutional, an aristocratic form, the members of the government are chosen by lot, and their responsibility is to represent the wishes and interests of the people who elected them. They are then expected to perform their duties according to the decisions they make. The government is directly ruled by its leaders, rather than the people.

In a constitutional republic, each member of the body of the government is elected, and their responsibility is to act on behalf of the general public. They make decisions on the basis of their knowledge and experience is shared with other members of the body. Their actions are not accountable to the people, but to the public law.

In an aristocratic form, public law is passed by the people and applied to the affairs of the members of the body, and it is interpreted by them and the elected leaders. They are not elected and their actions are not subject to the public law. Because of their hereditary position and office, they are often not subject to the laws which govern the public.

A constitutional form of government is the only form in which it is possible for the general public to determine the laws which should be applied by the government, and the members of the body of the government are responsible to the public. Because the constitution was enacted by the people, they have the final word on how to administer the affairs of the country.

There are two branches to the government, a Senate and a House of Representatives, where the legislation passed by each branch is debated before it goes to the other, and eventually to the public, so that the people are allowed to judge the merits of the legislation. This way, the people can review how the law is being applied in the country.

A republic has a constitutional form of government because the law is enforced by the citizens and the elected leaders are answerable to the public for their actions. The majority rules, rather than the minority.