
When you get down to it, business is all about trust. Whether you’re dealing with vendors or filling an order from a customer, everyone is acting in good faith that they will live up to their promises and deliver what’s needed. That means if you’re a small business trying to gain a foothold in the marketplace, building trust is essential.

A core element of building that trust is being open and transparent in everything you do. When others can tell you’re not hiding anything, they will be more inclined to put their faith in you. That goes for your employees, as well. They’re counting on you to do what you say you’re going to do, so they will be fully invested in your mission.

There are a number of ways you can increase your transparency and strengthen the trust that others place in you. For example, encouraging your employees to share their thoughts in meetings is a good way to support a transparent workplace. If at all possible, you also can flatten your organization to remove any bureaucratic obstacles that may be getting in the way of your internal communications.

When it comes to dealing with your customers, honesty is of course always the best policy. However, it’s also important to avoid keeping them waiting for a response when they have questions or concerns. If you’re called out for a mistake, making excuses or trying to spin things is the last thing you should do. Owning up to your errors may be embarrassing in the short term, but it can go a long way toward building stronger relationships.

Transparency is critical when you’re talking about building trust as a business owner. For more ideas you can use to make your business more transparent and trustworthy, take a look at the accompanying resource.

Infographic created by Track Your Truck